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Best Niche Research Tools for Affiliates in 2024

Best Niche Research Tools for Affiliates in 2024

Niche Research Tools for Affiliates: Are you ready to elevate your affiliate marketing game? It starts with niche keyword discovery, the secret sauce to engaging followers and driving commissions. But how exactly do you pinpoint these golden phrases?

This comprehensive guide dissects the significance of niche keywords and introduces you to 11 tools that promise to revolutionize your content strategy. From attracting a dedicated following to boosting your affiliate income, learn how these tools can help you craft content that connects with potential customers and adds unparalleled value to your audience’s online experience.

What Are Niche Keywords? 

Niche keywords are specific, often long-tail phrases catering to a particular market segment. They help travel bloggers and content creators target their content more effectively, reaching audiences with specific interests. By focusing on these precise terms, creators can attract highly engaged visitors, reduce competition, and increase their visibility in search engine results.

What Is a Niche Research Tool? 

A niche research tool helps identify trends, networks, keywords, and topics within a specific market segment. It provides insights into what the target audience is searching for, helping content creators to tailor their content to meet those needs. These tools can uncover hidden opportunities, allowing for a strategic approach to content creation that aligns with audience interests and market demands.

How Can These Tools Help With Niche Research? 

Niche research tools help discover under-served or emerging areas within a travel niche, offering a competitive edge to bloggers. These tools highlight gaps in the market by analyzing search data, social media trends, and competitor performance. This enables creators to produce unique and valuable content that resonates with their audience, driving traffic and engagement while helping you make money with your blog content. 

11 Best Niche Research Tools for Affiliates 

Discovering the perfect tools for niche search is essential for bloggers looking to carve out their own space in the competitive online world. These tools offer insights into market trends, audience interests, and potential growth in the travel niche. 

Google Trends Interest overtime for keyword Visit Lisbon
The interest over time for the keyword “visit Lisbon” in Google Trends

Google Trends is a real-time tool for tracking what people are searching for online. It allows users to measure interest in specific topics across different locations and times. For travel bloggers, Google Trends is a goldmine for finding niches. 

By observing patterns in searches related to travel destinations or themes, you can spot emerging trends or under-the-radar spots where audiences are beginning to show interest. 

To find niche topics in Google Trends, start by typing broad travel-related terms and then narrow down based on the insights you get. Look for spikes in search interest or consistent growth in certain areas. 

Also, use the “Related queries” feature to uncover specific aspects or new angles on a topic that are gaining traction. For more detailed guidance on using Google Trends for niche research, Google offers free training

Niche Research Tool Google Trends for Query about Portugal travel
Look at related queries and topics to discover more keyword opportunities

However, interpreting Google Trends data can be complex. It shows interest over time but not exact search volumes, making it tricky to assess the potential of a niche fully. Additionally, some trends may not be as promising as they appear, requiring a deeper dive to understand their longevity and relevance. 

2. Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free tool by Google that requires a setup that connects to your site to track its performance in Google’s search results. It’s linked with Google Analytics for a comprehensive view of your website’s traffic and search performance. 

In the “Performance” and “Search Results” sections, you can see which queries your site appears for and how users find your content. While it primarily shows data on current rankings, it can indirectly highlight potential keywords to target by revealing gaps or opportunities in your site’s search visibility. 

How does it do that? It can uncover topics or keywords your content already ranks for but might not be fully optimized. This reveals gaps where your site appears in search results but doesn’t rank as high as it could. By targeting these underperforming keywords with more focused content or improving existing content, you can potentially increase your rankings and visibility for those terms, tapping into new audience segments interested in specific travel niches.

However, its utility for uncovering new niche keywords directly is limited. The console’s detailed data requires some learning to interpret effectively, and it doesn’t suggest new keywords to rank for but rather informs on existing performance.

3. Answer the Public 

Answer the Public is a tool that dives into autocomplete data from search engines like Google, Bing, YouTube, and Amazon, offering a comprehensive view of the questions and phrases people are searching around your specified keywords. 

This feature is especially valuable for travel bloggers looking to tap into specific regional interests or cater to audiences in various languages, as the tool supports multiple languages, including English, Portuguese, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Japanese.

Answer the Public Query for Keyword Visit Toronto
Answer the Public Query for Keyword Visit Toronto

The downside? One of the services this tool grants you 3 free daily searches once you register, which can be handy for occasional research. Another limitation is the tool’s emphasis on volume over detailed keyword metrics like search volume or competition, which might require supplementary research using other SEO tools for a comprehensive strategy. You’ll need to upgrade to the pro version for more keyword data. 

4. Keyword Planner

Integrated within Google Ads, Google’s Keyword Planner offers deep insights into keyword search volumes, competition levels, and trends without cost. It’s particularly valuable for travel bloggers aiming to optimize their content for Google searches, providing data directly from the search engine’s vast database.

Keyword planner options for keywords
Keyword planner options for keywords

To be able to use this tool, you’ll need to sign up for a Google Ads account. You can click Discover new keywords from there or get search volume and forecasts. The best part is that you can search for specific keywords or enter a website or a page to find keywords that match your site. 

Relevant data includes average monthly search, competition, and three-month change, which gives you an overview of whether the link has become popular in the last few months. The tool will also recommend other keywords to broaden your search.  

Keyword ideas in Keyword Planner for keyword solo travel in Europe
One great thing about Keyword Planner is that it also recommends other keywords if you want to broaden your keyword research

One limitation of Keyword Planner is that it requires a Google Ads account, and the most detailed data is available to those actively spending on ads. 

5. Answer Socrates

Answer Socrates is a free online tool that digs into Google’s vast data to determine what people ask about any topic. It’s perfect for bloggers, SEO experts, and anyone curious about public queries.

The tool uses a mix of Google Suggests, People Also Asked, and Google Trends to present you with a list of real-time questions, helping in content creation that’s both relevant and engaging. 

The interface is straightforward: enter a topic in the search bar. You can refine your search by selecting a specific country and language to get more localized questions. The tool specializes in pulling up questions that people are actually typing into Google, often starting with interrogative words, like how, should, what, and when, as well as prepositions like is, with, and for. 

Topic suggestions in Answer Socrates for keyword travel to Barcelona
For the topic travel to Barcelona, Answer Socrates pulls up questions and organizes them in sections, like this

Answer Socrates is a tool worth exploring for anyone looking to align their content more closely with audience interests. However, like many other niche search tools in this list, you’ll need to open up a keyword research tool to refine the keyword and see if you can realistically rank for it. 

6. Keysearch

Keysearch is an affordable yet powerful keyword research tool, praised for its simplicity and effectiveness, especially for travel bloggers and niche site builders. This is your go-to tool if you are not ready to pull the trigger for SemRush or Ahrefs. 

Competitive analysis between Portugal-related travel websites in Keysearch
Keysearch’s Competitive Gap analysis allows you to compare your website’s keywords with your competitors to search for gaps

Keysearch offers a suite of tools, including rank tracking, a backlink checker, and a content assistant, making it a comprehensive tool for SEO tasks. 

Our favorite thing about Keysearch is the platform’s capacity to handle up to 700 related keywords per search, each provided with a difficulty score, which helps strategize content around profitable, low-competition keywords.

But it also offers some cool extra features, including Competitive Gap analysis. This feature allows bloggers to directly compare their websites against competitors to discover what keywords they rank for that you don’t. It identifies where your competitor ranks on Google and tells you each keyword’s search volume, CPC, and competition. 

This is not a free niche search tool, but Keysearch starts at $17/month with discounts if you pay for a year at a time. 

7. WordTracker

Wordtracker is your go-to if you’re looking for a robust alternative to Google’s Keyword Planner. Tailored for SEO pros and bloggers, it shines by fetching relevant keywords not just from Google but also Amazon, YouTube, and eBay, providing a wide lens on what audiences are searching across major platforms.

Getting started is simple. Once you sign up, you’ll be introduced to an intuitive interface that’s easy to navigate, even for beginners. You can fine-tune your searches by selecting specific databases and territories, making it ideal for localized SEO strategies. The search results come packed with useful metrics like search volume, competition level, and the all-important Keyword Effectiveness Index (KEI), helping you decide which keywords are worth pursuing.

Wordtracker results for keyword Ontario travel
WordTracker offers KEI (keyword effectiveness index), which is one of the quickest ways to find keywords that show potential

Wordtracker isn’t free, but it’s reasonably priced. The plans—Bronze, Silver, and Gold—range from $27 to $99 per month, each catering to different needs, from basic keyword research to a comprehensive SEO and competitor analysis. Nevertheless, you have three free searches and a free 7-day trial (although you’ll need to input your credit card). 

Homepage of Exploding Topics, one of the best Niche research tools for affiliates
The Exploding Topics Homepage

8. Exploding Topics

Exploding Topics is a trend-discovery tool that identifies fast-growing topics and markets before they become mainstream. It analyzes search engine and social media data to provide insights into emerging trends.

The heart of the platform lies in its extensive trends database, where users can explore over 10,000 growing topics. By applying filters, bloggers can narrow this list to find trends gaining traction within the travel sector. Additionally, the trend search function offers a more targeted approach, allowing users to enter specific terms related to travel and receive insights on their popularity and growth. 

They have a free newsletter, but other than that, you’ll need to purchase their paid version. The most basic plan is the Entrepreneur billed annually for USD$39/per month. But you can try any of the plans for 14 days for only $1. 

9. Google Autocomplete Feature

No niche search list is complete without at least mentioning the Google Autocomplete Feature. So what is it? The Google Autocomplete feature is a powerful tool integrated into Google’s search engine, designed to predict and display search queries as you type.

It leverages data from billions of searches to suggest the most relevant completions to your search phrase, offering insights into popular trends and common questions users ask.

Google autocomplete related to a Lisbon travel query
This is one of the easiest ways to find keywords. Just start typing and see what comes up

So how does it work? Go to Google and start typing. As you type, it offers a list of suggestions in real-time that complete your query, aiming to save time and help you refine your search.

10. Similarweb  

Similarweb is a powerful analytical tool that can significantly benefit travel bloggers, especially in keyword research and understanding market dynamics. 

It provides deep insights into trending keywords, referral opportunities, and competitive landscapes, helping bloggers craft SEO-optimized content that aligns with audience search behaviors. 

Similarweb has both paid and free tools, although what you can do with their free tools is quite limited. 

The more advanced features require a subscription, starting from $125 monthly for the Starter plan. This tool is usually only reserved for bloggers ready to up-level their affiliate marketing game. 

11. Statista 

Statista, as a research platform, offers vast market and consumer data across various industries, including travel. For travel bloggers, it’s a treasure trove for understanding market trends, consumer behavior, and emerging destinations. 

It provides reliable, up-to-date statistics essential for crafting well-informed content that resonates with readers. Whether you’re analyzing popular travel trends or exploring niche markets, Statista equips you with the data to enhance your blog’s relevance and authority.

Final Thoughts: Best Niche Research Tools for Affiliates 

Harnessing the right niche keywords is crucial for any affiliate blogger looking to provide value through their content, drive commissions, and cater to their customer’s needs. 
The tools and strategies discussed offer a roadmap to create compelling posts that captivate followers and effectively sell products that align with your audience’s interests. Embrace these insights to refine your approach and elevate your travel affiliate blogging journey to new heights.


  • Bhuvnesh Bhushan

    Founder of Bhuvnesh Blog. Bhuvnesh Bhushan is a Internet Marketing Geek and Instrumentation Engineer. He holds an Engineering Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering (GLA University, Mathura) and is professional blogger in India.

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Founder of Bhuvnesh Blog. Bhuvnesh Bhushan is a Internet Marketing Geek and Instrumentation Engineer. He holds an Engineering Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering (GLA University, Mathura) and is professional blogger in India.